Singing in Memory Care

If you have ever wondered if it is worth it to visit memory care, then this is a perfect video for you to watch. If you listen just a bit, you will hear many happy voices singing along with me. They may not recall where they used to live, or the name of family members, but they remember these songs and the name of Jesus. What a delight it is to sing with them and in my humble opinion, I think Jesus likes the sound of their voices better than any recording artist on earth! Today’s song session includes: Isn’t the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful, Oh How I love Jesus and He Keeps Me Singing. I pray that He will keep you singing as well and that you will live for Him every day!

Author: pastorpete51

My wife and I serve as members of a worship team at a multicultural church. Our members are from Brazil, Nepal and the U.S.. Because of the many languages and cultures in our local body we face unique challenges, such as how many songs will we do in English today? What new songs can we use in either language that are simple enough for the people to sing. The songs, the devotions and insights here are a small portion of some of the ways God is leading us as we push towards the goal. I pray that these will be both a blessing and an encouragement for those of you who may pass by Praise 2 Worship.

4 thoughts on “Singing in Memory Care”

  1. Reblogged this on praise2worshipdotnet and commented:

    Some folks probably wonder why I bother to write two separate blogs. The reason is that, Walking With Lambs is devoted specifically for people whose lives have been touched by long-term-care, whether you are on staff, have a family member or friend in a facility or are a volunteer, these posts are meant to be an encouragement as well as a forum to add your own experiences. Today’s post is a reminder that, while those in the memory care wing of one community I visit are the least visited, they do still have a capacity to worship and praise Jesus. In fact, if you listen carefully, you will hear many happy voices praising God as we sing. I think that God loves to hear those folks more than any worship team of earth. They are the little ones who our Father is pleased to spend His time with. Why shouldn’t we do the same!

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      1. Yes that is my fellow volunteer Sharon Leslie Clark. She is in her mid 80’s but as you can tell she was a professional singer years ago. I am blessed to have her help on Fridays.

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