God hates me?

“Marie* wants to see you in the cafeteria after the message” they told me last week. As I went in to sit with her she began to cry and took hold of my hands saying, “God hates me!”  Marie suffers from Parkinson’s and that afternoon she was depressed,…so depressed she wouldn’t come in for our song and prayer time at the home. She is isolated from the world outside of the home. No old friends come to visit. No family stops by on her birthday or Christmas. But you and I still have the good news to share that God gave us. As we enter into 2018 with a new year ahead will we remember to go and take Marie’s hands, look into her eyes and tell her that God really does care. He has not forgotten. He has not left her alone. We may not be the greatest or most talented people but we each have the gift of God’s love to share. Will you go? Will you keep sharing? All the Maries and Bettys and Florences and Bobs and Joes are out there waiting to hear. As the lines from the song Jesus is Waiting asks “What is your answer to Him?”

Walking by Faith

As special as the Christmas season is for most of us, who cannot truthfully say that now it has passed you breathed a sigh of relief? The same held true in our nursing home service this week. We looked back thankfully to the blessings we shared but


we all agreed to put the carols on vacation and together  look forward to a New Year.It felt good to sing the Hymns and to pray God’s help and protection for whatever lies ahead. As we launched into “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” we remembered that in the year ahead some of our people who are wheel chair bound can still walk by faith. To the chorus of “How Great Thou Art” is added the voice from the heart of Judy who cannot get out a single note because of the breathing tune attached to her. In the gentle words of “Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound” we realized that even ears which can no longer hear still listen to His voice. God is good all the time and all through every one of our years. He is good when we are young and He is good as He carries us to old age. He is a friend that still sticks closer than a brother in special ways when we can walk only by faith, sing only with our spirit and hear only His still small voice!

Dancing to Silent Night

What a lovely and very different idea for Christmas at this nursing home! The young children with the elderly connects the generations for Christmas. The idea of dance focuses everyone’s attention on the theme of Christ and His night. Even those who cannot hear well can enjoy the “Steps of Grace” children. Bravo!!! what a Christmas treat!!