Unashamedly Pro-Life

I wrote the original post for this a few years ago, but with the recent favorable Supreme Court decision shaking the political landscape, I thought it was worth a second look. Our nation has so become deeply divided on the issue of when life begins, that some of us who are pro-life have become afraid to voice our opinions or even ashamed to state our belief. We begin with quite a different value system than the world around us, because we believe that life has value, because it is the gift of God. Every life matters. Every mentally disadvantaged child, physically disabled adult, or Alzheimer’s resident in a nursing home is precious to Jesus. Though debating the value of these lives may not change our neighbor’s mind, we must never be ashamed to stand with Jesus. On the contrary we must lovingly stand our ground, while still loving those who adamantly hold a different opinion.

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14


Often lost in the whole pro-life/ pro-choice debate is the heart of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the defender of life, but we must not be so focused on life beginning at conception; that we forget it doesn’t end at birth. In God’s eyes, life is not only about its opening chapter, but also about its closing lines. The same Savior, who writes down the name of every child in His book also offers to carry each of us in His arms to the very end. Where we stand on the issue of life is not only about what we say, but more importantly is about what we do. How we chose to invest our time and hearts in the lives of others will reap returns for all eternity. What better pro-life statement can we make than to serve the real people in our own small corner of this world from conception to their final breath?

The Value of One Life

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?     Matthew 18:26

The world counts success in gaining position, possession or pleasure as something of value. Those who break through hardships to lay hold of a passing prize are loved, envied or hated depending on which side of their battle you happen to be on. They win respect and by that respect are counted as persons of value. From the other side of heaven’s window  the race for value takes on a different hue. While the world pours praise on outward beauty, or physical ability, God treasures the hidden inner value of a soul. There was in fact no price too high to pay for the value that Jesus said rests in the blossom of even one single soul.

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14


Often lost in the whole pro-life/ pro-choice debate is the heart of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the defender of life but we must not be so focused on life beginning at conception; that we forget it doesn’t end at birth. In God’s eyes; life is not only about its opening chapter, but also about its closing lines. The same Savior, who writes down the name of every child in His book also offers to carry each of us in His arms to the very end. Where we stand on the issue of life is not only about what we say, but more importantly is about what we do. How we chose to invest our time and hearts in the lives of others will reap returns for all eternity. What better pro-life statement can we make than to serve the real people in our own small corner of this world from conception to their final breath?

He came and daringly broke through the barriers of shame, hardship and suffering and paid the terrible price on the cross to bring us to the throne of mercy. Jesus came to give value, not to take it. Jesus came to pay a price, not to exact one. As we venture out into another week of busyness, work and struggle we should ask God for His eyes. Only when we ask to look out through heaven’s windows will we know as He does the price and value of the lives around us as well as for our own!