Hope in the Fog

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? Romans 8:24

 In the town where I spent my teen-aged years there is a hill we called Mount Pleasant. On most days it was just another rolling green hill. But on mornings when it was perfectly sunny elsewhere, you often found yourself surrounded by deep impenetrable fog.


Though the fog bank usually was no longer that the short half mile over the crest of the hill, the only safe way through was to slow to a crawl and keep your eyes on the yellow center line. You just had to keep going and it would not be long before you would break back out into the sunshine.

Fog banks come to all of our lives. A single phone call, one visit to the doctor or a short screech of tires on pavement and the familiar landmarks of our world can quickly disappear under dark foreboding clouds. Living in Long Term Care or in the shadow of a diagnosis, can sometimes feel as if life has entered a fog bank from without any end. But  God’s promise for us in those moments is that He will still guide us. He gives us His hope to light the way even if just one inch at a time. God will stay with us and carry us all the way through. When dense clouds close us in we need to remind ourselves that on God’s mountain road the brightest hope is just over the top of the hill!


31 Days of Hope – Day Two

The Road to Hope

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?    Romans 8:24



In the town where I spent my teen-aged years there is a hill we called Mount Pleasant. On most days it was just another rolling green hill. But on rare mornings on perfectly sunny days you sometimes found yourself surrounded by deep impenetrable fog. Though the fog bank usually was no longer that the short half mile over the crest of the hill, the only safe way through was to slow to a crawl and keep your eyes on the yellow center line. You just had to keep going and it would not be long before you would break back out into the sunshine.

Fog banks like we experienced on Mount Pleasant come to all of our lives. A single phone call, one visit to the doctor or a short screech of tires on pavement and the familiar landmarks of our world quickly disappear under dark foreboding clouds. God’s promise for us at that moment is that He will still guide us. He gives us His hope to light the way even if just one inch at a time. God will stay with us and carry us all the way through. When dense clouds close us in we need to remind ourselves that on God’s mountain road the brightest hope is just over the top of the hill!